Broadfield Youth Club returns!

Thank you to Crawley Borough Council and Shared Prosperity Funding from UK Government our team of Alys and Sophie will be returning to Broadfield Community Centre on Fridays from 3.30pm to 5.30pm with a junior youth club for young people aged 8 to 12.

We asked young people what they liked about this club. They said:
I like coming becas it is fun becas they play football, all week I look forward to Friday at club.
I like doing art. I like coming because I get to see my friends. Tyra.
I love comeing here because thay have games & art taball coluring sum time’s cook. I want to learn more cooking.
I like ping pong because we don’t have it at home. I like dancing and music because I like stretching. I realy want dace teachers to come and teach us.
I really love come here cause so I can make more friends and I love to make food.
I love ufe club because I get to make new friends and get to make more food!
I rele like it her becas I can see frens. I come back becas is fun.
I like coming because I like playing football and I like the ping pong table and get lots of friend. Every we go to basketball court.